
HTC Vive / Lighthouses

VR HTC Steam 6DOF room-scale


These 2 small boxes on poles located in the corners of the VR playing space are the magic behind the 6 degrees of freedom of the vive. They shower many laser rays onto the space, the Vive Headset and controllers. The photosensors on the devices can then measure the path of these lasers and calculate position and orientation of each device. A space must be calibrated for proper, accurate tracking.

To conserve the longevity of the lighthouses, they are unplugged when they system is not in use. To get the system ready, you must plug in both units. DO NOT MOVE THE LIGHTHOUSES. They have been calibrated based on their current position.

How to use

At the start of each session Plug the lighthouses in to the closest outlets. They will light up. When each lighthouse is active, the status light will be white. After you are done with your session, unplug the unit.